Sustainability Newsletter 8

Gaia at the Neonyt Berlin Fair!

Gaia Sourcing reporting again from one of the largest Sustainability Fairs in Europe. We were proud to be exhibiting at Neonyt this year between the 2nd and 4th of July 2019. We were overall pleased with the fair and the progress made on every aspect of fashion, and not just material or production facilities. There are new ways to ship your product, new materials, new brands, and software systems that might be of use to firms that will help integrate sustainability. We are in fact pleased to see that although the case still isn’t at the level of full automation for certain types of garments or software systems that will be able to distinguish what is sustainable or not to the exact level of certainty, the business is very ready for digitization initiatives. Real time tracking, digital knitting (3D knitting) and the use of blockchain and RFID systems for tracking production can be achieved today thanks to firms (like ours’) commitment for circular economy and adaptation to modern aspects of society.


Our Speech…

Gaia Sourcing Sustainability Responsible was invited to a panel as a speaker

We were invited to the “People Empowerment, how do you give power to people to increase sustainability” panel to speak at a forum that lasted about an hour and half. The main topic discussed was (with the clever alterations of the moderator) how do you adapt a sustainability culture and a competent sustainability department to your firm or organization. We went on to explain that we were part of the sustainability ecosystem for a very long time and have proceeded with adapting these practices to a solid department that has the goal of transforming our supply chain and material used to a more sustainable future. We are confident that we have been able to transmit this message to the audience, alongside Katherine Klemenz from Mama Tierra and Nina Lorenzen from Fashion Changer (the creators of the fairbylaw campaign)

Our Speech